Our team has won many awards and scholarships in the last few years, here are a few!
- Ben Jones (PI): International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) Early Career Researcher Instrumentation Award


- Luis Marcos Taylor (undergraduate): Best presentation in category, APS April Meeting
- Kara Stogsdill (undergraduate): Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award from the American Institute of Physics
- Karen Navarro (graduate student): CPAD Graduate Instrumentation Research Award Fellow for project “A Qubit-Inspired Photonic Integrated Circuit for Ultra-Sensitive Tagging of Barium in Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay”

- Enakshi Dey (graduate student): DISCOVER Workshop, first place poster prize
- Jackie Baeza-Rubio (Undergraduate): Scharf Award Endowment
- Jackie Baeza-Rubio (Undergraduate): Richard Jack Marquis Scholarship
- Ben Smithers (graduate student): Dr. John L. Fry Endowment for the Department of Physics
- Krishan Mistry (Postdoc): Springer Thesis Award
- Jackie Baeza-Rubio (Undergraduate): Division of Nuclear Physics Travel Award (APS), Division of Particles & Fields Travel Award (APS)
- Jackie Baeza-Rubio (Undergraduate): Hispanic Scholarship Fund Scholarship, Edward and Dorothy Perez Endowed Scholarship (UTA),
- Ben Smithers (graduate): Dr. John L. Fry Endowment for the Department of Physics

- Jackie Baeza-Rubio (Undergraduate): College of Science Dean’s Excellence Scholarship, Richard Jack Marquis Physics Scholarship, 1895 Society Scholarship
- Ivana Moya (undergraduate): Math Dept outstanding scholar award
- Ben Smithers (graduate): Dr. John L. Fry Endowment for the Department of Physics

- Grant Parker, Ben Smithers, and Ibrahim Safa (grad, grad, alum):IceCube Impact Award 2020
- Nick Byrnes (grad): Texas APS Student Presentation Award
- Ben Smithers (grad): Texas APS Student Presentation Award
- Nick Byrnes (Graduate Student): University Scholars Endowed Fellowship for the 2020-2021 year
- Nick Byrnes (Graduate Student): James L. Horwitz Physics Scholarship Fund
- Leslie Rogers (Graduate Student): Truman D. Black Endowed Scholarship in Physics (UTA)
- Jackie Baeza-Rubio (Undergraduate): B. Cecil and Jo Thompson Undergraduate Physics Scholarship (UTA)
- Jackie Baeza-Rubio (Undergraduate): Won three awards from the McNair program at UTA: McNair scholar Fellowship, Kathryn Head Scholarship Endowment, and the Best Paper Scholarship
- Jackie Baeza-Rubio (Undergraduate): IME BECAS & HACEMOS Dallas scholarship (Communidades Consulado de Mexico en Dallas)
- Logan Norman (Undergraduate): B. Cecil and Jo Thompson Undergraduate Physics Scholarship (UTA)
- Akshat Tripathi (Undergraduate): Dr. John L. Fry Endowment for the Department of Physics (UTA

- Austin McDonald (Graduate Student): GIRA Instrumentation Award Honorable Mention, from the Coordinating Panel for Advanced Detectors
- Nick Byrnes (Graduate Student): ACES Poster Prize (UTA College of Science ACES symposium)
- Ryne Dingler (Undergraduate): Kathryn Head Scholarship Award, from the UTA McNair Program
- Leslie Rogers (Graduate Student): Jack R. Maquis Scholarship (UTA)
- Akshat Tripathi (Undergraduate): Travel Award, Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium (Department of Physics, Rice University)
- Akshat Tripathi (Undergraduate): Richard Jack Marquis Physics Scholarship Fund (Department of Physics, UTA)
- Akshat Tripathi (Undergraduate): H.A.D. Dunsworth Scholarship (Department of Mathematics, UTA)


- David Nygren (Professor): Marie Sklodowska-Curie Award from the IEEE
- Leslie Rogers (Graduate Student): Judith R Carrier Award from Arlington Chamber of Commerce
- Ben Jones (Professor): University of Texas at Arlington Outstanding Research Award (UTA)
- Ryne Dingler (Undergraduate): Cecil Thompson Award (UTA), McNair Scholarship (McNair Program)
- Austin McDonald (Graduate Student): Horowitz Physics Scholarship (UTA)
- Nick Byrnes (Graduate Student): The Michael and Wanda Ray Fellowship for the 2018-2019 Academic Year
- Bernadette Duhan (Undergraduate): Maquis Scholarship (UTA)
- Akshat Tripathi (Undergraduate): Cecil & Jo Thompson
Scholarship, (Department of Physics, UTA) - Akshat Tripathi (Undergraduate): John A Gardner Scholarship (Department of Mathematics, UTA)
- Ben Jones (Professor): Mitsuyoshi Tanaka Dissertation Award (American Physical Society)
- Akshat Tripathi (Undergraduate): Sheri Schember Quick and James Campbell Quic Endowment (University College, UTA)
- Akshat Tripathi (Undergraduate): Outstanding Undergraduate Presentation Award (Texas Section of the American Physical Society)